Please check RESOURCE TAB for Annual Water Quality and Stormwater Reports.
Village Water Billing - Water readings are every calendar quarter (Jan-Mar, Apr-Jun, Jul-Sep, Oct-Dec) and bills are mailed wtihin 2 weeks and the due date will be noted on the bill - 30days from issuance. In May, the village fiscal year ends and real property tax bills must be issued by June 1. We are required to re-levy any unpaid water and add to the tax invoice, payable with the 1st half of taxes or additional penalties apply each month unpaid.
Water Pressure - the Village supplies water to the curb stop. Homeowners are responsible from that point to their home. Plumbers recommend that each home should have Water Pressure Relief Valve to regulate water pressure to your home. Village water pressure may fluctuate throughout the year depending on resident water use and weather conditions that vary.
Annual Back Flow Test - Required by NY State Dept. of Health and applies ONLY to homeowners with pool or irrigation systems.
Village Residents with pool or irrigation systems - fax your report to (516) 627-8419 Attention Steve Flynn
Annual Water Rates: (2024)
Usage Rate Charged (per 1000 gals) NEW eff 2Q24
0-100,000 gals $ 5.66
101,000-200000 $ 6.44
201,000- 300,000 $ 7.20
301,000-400,000 $ 7.90
401,000 and above $ 8.79
Plandome water rates include fixed expenses such as repayment of Bond P&I for water main upgrade (till 2035). MLWD raised rates by 10% in Jan 2024, the first rate increase that Plandome passed along to residents in 6 years. Increases were applied according to usage.
Dept of Water Conservation and water